Friday, October 24, 2008

After Placing the Order

After payment goes through, there seems to be a long wait before the manufacturer starts working on your order. They usually already have other orders in their production line and have to schedule your order when they can. This depends on the size of the factory.

I have an agent who organises this - China Shine. In some ways, it is good having an agent as they will make sure you get the order and seem to be able to move the order between factories. When I was selecting manufacturers, I decided to have an agent and someone who worked at the factory!! My agent only charges 3% which is very small but to me well worth it.

Because I have organised all of this online, I asked for photos to show them making my underwear!! That was quite interesting and gave me a real feel of what was happening! I am very curious and loved seeing this!

I will go and visit the factories that make my underwear! But this will be in the future!!

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