Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Making the decision

I have always wanted to start my own business - probably since my 20s. Then along come study, children, divorce, being a single parent and the thought disappears from our minds. Getting through the days seems to take priority. Then the children grow up and leave home!

Our priorities change. So do our responsibilities! What to do now?

I felt burnt out after teaching for 20 years. I felt I was doing the same things each year - fixing the students' problems. This can be very draining. I loved doing this - helping the underachievers. I loved allowing them to see their potential whether it was academic or in other areas. But it was losing its attraction! I needed a break.

My priorities had changed. So did my responsibilities! What to do now?

At the beginning of last year, I wrote a list of ALL of the things that interested me. I quite surprised myself. The list was quite long. I really had lots of choices!!

Often I get frustrated about because I want something and it is not available on the market!!

This led me to my starting my current business - selling cotton underwear sets online.

This is an amazing journey! I am not there yet! I am still learning!

The most amazing things have happened! Everyone is so supportive! I have been given advice and help from lots of different places.

Join me on my journey! I hope you may learn from this and at the same time I am hoping to learn from you as well!!

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